Guestbook: eveningstandard

Thank you for visiting evening standard
Name: Paulie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Indianapolis
Time: 2000-08-06 15:39:26
Comments: hi

Name: Katie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-08-04 17:04:56
Comments: Hey Ean, just wanted to say hi from Minneapolis. My name's Katie and I'm a fellow street team member here in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. Talk to ya your pics by the way...

Name: Keith C
Website: X Left Behind 801 X
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Salt Lake City
Time: 2000-08-04 14:52:30
Comments: Hey, someone in this band is also on the Nitro Team eh? That's cool, I do shit for them and Epitaph down in here in Salt Lake city. Come check my band out sometime. You've probably heard of us under out old name (X Empty Handed X) but we changed it cuz there are like 5 other bands with that name...and ones from NJ...

Name: Laur
Referred by: Xoom
From: around the corner
Time: 2000-08-03 23:29:33
Comments: wsup to all you scatters - my mark is now in your book fruit- hyd - you guys are sick - love you all -EMO good shit- keep it up - new cd will be sweet - all uses keep it real - good luck with your lives-something to leave you off wit- Ever notice when you blow in a dog's face he gets mad at you, but when you take him in a car, he sticks his head out the window?- haha weird shit huh- thanks E for givin me the name of that band - they are sweet - see you all round someday

Name: Mr. J Baugh
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Mt. Laurel
Time: 2000-08-01 20:58:18
Comments: Oh Okay...well you know. Um...a...Joe told me about the website, and, you decided to um...a...check it know. I like the sound of ahh...the know, and um, I think I'll have to tell my friends at uhhh Jevic...u know. Oh Okay, Suzanne is yellin at me know, so I guess I'll talk to you later. Oh Okay.

Name: Colleen
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Mt Laurel
Time: 2000-08-01 02:07:24
Comments: Hey guys, You guys are gr8. I hope to see u in concert on time. Good luck with everything. Lata

Name: KAT
Referred by: From a Friend
From: New Jerksey ville
Time: 2000-06-12 22:46:35
Comments: To the page devoted to Ean oops...... HYD... Since you were the one who talked to me the most though.. at Jusbuss's party, this is to you... HI.. and to HYD... your pretty bangin'... Hope to see ya'll in a real show soon... Blahza... T.I.T.T.O.I.L.

Name: Dustin
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Mt. Laurel
Time: 2000-06-10 00:43:02
Comments: Yo, you guys r great, hope u always stay that way

Name: Reid Baker
Website: huh?
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: I live right near da beach, boyyy!
Time: 2000-05-30 19:00:24
Comments: This band is awesome ! Sup E haaahaaa

Name: Lauren Brossy
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 2000-05-25 20:24:12
Comments: Hey what's up Ean!!! Hows your girlfriend? :) if you're not busy you should give me a call 7274630 peaceout...lauren brossy(girl that looks like katie whatever)

Name: Tina
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Medford
Time: 2000-05-22 20:19:43
Comments: Hey guys are great..good luck with your recording thing!!

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-05-20 00:19:59
Comments: Saturday May 20th...Hot shots bar westville NJ exit 24a off of 295... As We Grow.(technical metal), Punishment (killadelphia Hardcore, Dark Day Dawning (philly), Davids Burning (throw em a few bucks cause they are going to break all there equitment at the end of their set), PRAY for Rain (wear your crokies kiddies) 1 more TBA...$5 email for more info........Friday May 26th Mt holly VFW...the Stryder (equal vision records), SGR (NJ ska), As We Grow (2435), Sometimes Sixteen (poppy punk), Pain Within (PA hardcore), Jeremy Friday Night (you know you know em) for info /directions...

Name: Lindsey Miller
Website: none
Referred by: From a Friend
From: southampton...lenape hs
Time: 2000-05-13 15:25:55
Comments: u guys are awesome!

Name: Aldogg
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Fruitcore
Time: 2000-05-12 16:31:10
Comments: Yo wassup guys. Yall is the greatest. Cant wait for the new cd. My demo is worn out. Just remember if it wasnt for Power Windows and Matt's great stories you wouldnt be where you are today. Keep up the good shat. And why no pictures of the other member......Joe Baugh.....Peace

Name: XtimmyXstampX
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-05-08 02:58:49
Comments: You Guys dont tour...

Name: Casey
Website: Casey's Homepage
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Southampton,Nj
Time: 2000-05-08 02:41:26
Comments: Hey Ean you told me to sign the guestbook so here i am listening to music and signing the guestbook for ya. Weill you also told me to write I LOVE HIGGINS so there i did it for ya even though i dont even know him. Remember when i had that fake baby and you called it higgins jr. haha. Well also you said that you are going hook us up. Well i havent heard what you guys sound like yet but you guys are probably good. Good luck next year if you are going to college and good luck with the band. Love, Casey

Name: liz denworth
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-05-08 02:25:35
Comments: hey e, i hope everythings going good for ya, with that recording thing you told me about. i heard you guys are really good, and when you get all famous you better write that song you promised me about catholic school girls, and we have to hang out at least once before you leave for college, see ya! <3 Liz

Name: a big fan of ean's
Website: ?
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Mount Laurel
Time: 2000-05-04 16:50:49
Comments: Ean your sexi. thats to bad you have a girlfriend. well hope to see you around.

Name: if i tell, someone will be kicked in the nuts
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: does it really matter?
Time: 2000-05-04 03:55:42
Comments: ms dunn is great, she is the best at everything. i cant wait until graduation, when we can make it "offical" and come out of the closet. we are secret lovers. its ok, but you cant stay anything.......the office would ban it.

Name: Aubrie Costello--Ollet-aha
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Southampton-in the stix
Time: 2000-05-03 00:08:39
Comments: Hey-u guyz r really cool and talented --i cant wait 4 ur next release--it should b phat----yeah well i cant wait 2 see hyd flashin in lights--later--***** luva--haha EK;)

Name: BK
Referred by: From a Friend
From: VA
Time: 2000-05-01 01:24:55
Comments: GUYS....The new Web Page is PHAT. Can't wait to see you in VA Beach !!!! Take videos. I was cleaned out of my box of HYD? CDs.....We are all waiting for your next release. - Z & C

Name: Chris Kozicki
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Hellaware
Time: 2000-04-26 17:40:59
Comments: HYD, what to say, what to say? You guys rock! You were the first punk band that I ever saw and the show rocked. I hope to have my band open for you guys. I'll be glad to bounce anyone of your shows again. MAKIN LOVE!! MULLETS!!! Later on guys, Chris

Name: michele muchler
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: southampton
Time: 2000-04-26 06:12:05
Comments: hey boys whats up....i love you guys and your when am i gona get the chance to sing with you all? haha..well i am sure your band will make it to the top..u guys are da best...keep my bro in line for me please! haha ok im out..buhbye!

Name: Bo-Bo
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Philly
Time: 2000-04-25 21:54:49
Comments: HYD? i love your music alot.The people out here in Philly are going bananas over your music. Your shit is soooooooo hot.When are you going to put out another album? Is it going to have your song with B-Rock on it? I think that's the best song y'all ever did. I heard it at the concert you guys did back in march.That song's awesome! Love always Bo-Bo P.S. Is B-Rock really with that Michelle Munchkin girl because he is so hot!

Name: Monika Wolak
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Raleigh, North Carolina
Time: 2000-04-24 21:38:18
Comments: Hey Ean!!! Wassup boy??? Long time no see, or talk but thats alright. I hope I'll hear your band sometime soon, see how good you guys are live. Anyways, hope everythings working out for ya. Miss ya, Monika

Name: Robb Eppolite
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: MT Laurel, NJ
Time: 2000-04-22 20:59:20
Comments: Ean, butter, and sean: good luck guys, hope you all finish a new CD, cuz i want the funeral home song. Later boys.

Name: jusbuss
Website: whoa
Referred by: Clicked on our Banner Advertisement
From: new jeruz
Time: 2000-04-21 07:02:31
Comments: hyd? Hung Yike Dragons...whoa.. I hear you're all playing at the jusbuss birthday bash 2k... seeya there ::WHOA:: ...lote

Name: Stefani
Referred by: From a Friend
From: NJ
Time: 2000-04-21 06:52:07
Comments: hey guys! u guys r AWESOME.. and i have the CD signed by the 3 of u and im gonna keep it 4ever and ever hehe!! ean i finally signed it so u culd get off my back ha j/k... if u ever need to take a piss call me up im here 4 ya we're pissin buddies haha WOAH j/k... mike ur in my geo class we dont talk but u seem like a nice guy.. sean I LOVE YOU!! ur the best! what am i gonna do without u next year and our li'l convos in the car hehe and ur favorite fruit salad!tree... ive never met ya but i talk to u alot online ur a sweet guy.. very cute but i wanna meet ya in person!! well u guys r doin a GRRREAT job and i CANT WIAT till u make it REAL big i KNOW u will!! keep it up guys! mwah! :)

Name: Chris
Website: 37 Slurp
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: South jersey
Time: 2000-04-20 23:22:12
Comments: Yo guys whattup? i saw you awhile back at lenape and you rocked the place. hopefully we'll play together sometime soon, oh yea and the girlies at your school are mad slammin....peace

Name: jeff from Second Chance
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: NJ
Time: 2000-04-19 00:59:10
Comments: Whats up Ean, the site looks cool, I'm checkin out the mp3s right now. Keep rockin boys. Looking forward to any shows we play with you guys. Later on...

Name: Carolyn W.
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Southampton, NJ
Time: 2000-04-18 23:55:47
Comments: Hey boys, i love you all. Your cd is the shit, good luck. I will be at all your concerts:)...dont forget me when you're on MTV...<3Carolyn

Name: Missy (aka Mel)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-04-18 03:12:25
Comments: Hey boys, its me missy i hadn't signed the book yet so i decided to well anyway you know that i love you guys and i am proud of everything you have done! Don't forget me when you become big stars someday! I love you guys Missy

Name: *Michelle*
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Delran
Time: 2000-04-11 00:17:19
Comments: Hey what's up? I've seen you guys play a few're superchillin. Sup to Treez and Ean. Laterrrrrrr ;o)

Name: Sara Walling
Referred by: AngelFire
From: Clemson, SC
Time: 2000-04-10 20:29:06
Comments: Hey Ean, You commented that none of us had visited your site and so here I am. I can't wait to hear y'all. Well, I may be coming up that way with my boyfriend and I would like to hear you. By the way looks like you are playing with some hotties. How is your little black book doing? :) I miss ya a lot and hope to hear from you really soon. Check in with you later, Sara Walling

Name: Jen Nikiper
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Mt. Laurel, NJ
Time: 2000-04-06 22:39:40
Comments: You guys are great. It's a good thing for Mt.Laurel.

Name: Frank Ewing
Referred by: From a Friend
From: MtL
Time: 2000-04-05 22:52:20
Comments: this band is phat. ean, butter, and sean ....... you guys are the shat. i listen to the cd all the time. good luck. later fellas

Name: lauren petrongolo
Referred by: From a Friend
From: washington twp nj
Time: 2000-04-05 22:48:51
Comments: hey ean, i went to your web page..i liked it!! ANd i like your fun songs..especially the one about the girl who smells like a funeral home! ha

Name: Ringer
Website: I like Pirates.
Referred by: AOL
From: MLT son
Time: 2000-04-04 02:49:56
Comments: Yo yo yo dem shows mad tight. You best do more of them so i can kick it b-boy style out in the pit. PIECE-Ringer

Name: Sandy Richards
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Mt. Laurel
Time: 2000-04-03 21:41:20
Comments: Hey Guys, I think you should send your DKNY song to Donna Karan in New York. Maybe she'd use it in an advertisement. Also, that record company in New York is waiting for you to send them your CD, "BUTTER"!

Name: mary beth
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-04-01 05:36:52
Comments: hey you hafta stop bitchin about how none of the german trip peeps signed yer guestbook...luv ya, mary beth

Name: Caroline Oates
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Clemson, SC
Time: 2000-03-31 23:35:28
Comments: hey ean, this is pretty cool. talk to you later. caroline

Name: Lizard and Allison (your cuz)
Website: Lizard's Monkees Page
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Stratford NJ and Laurel Springs NJ
Time: 2000-03-24 17:15:10
Comments: Hey!!! Ean it's Allison I liked your demo CD.My friend Liz says hey!! So anyways....gtg. So......L8rz!

Name: amanda
Referred by: From a Friend
From: mt laurel
Time: 2000-03-15 22:29:54
Comments: i thought u said we could stay out til 12?!? thats til i found the bottle of whiskey---- haha love ya guys

Name: steve diambrosio
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: mt. laurel
Time: 2000-03-13 18:52:53
Comments: make a song about L squared

Name: Andrea
Website: Nitro Records
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Huntington Beach, CA
Time: 2000-03-10 19:12:50
Comments: Hey Ean, i just wanted to let you know I checked out your site and I am about to listen to your song. Talk to you soon. Andrea

Name: former mullet
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-03-06 20:56:02
Comments: As a former mullet i like trees style

Name: Schmidt's
Referred by: From a Friend
From: tamakwa
Time: 2000-03-06 00:23:29
Comments: I think you guys are cool, especially that TrEE, good luck from a fan Schmidt's = medicine....

Name: Ellen
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Lindenwold
Time: 2000-03-03 18:12:13
Comments: Do you yike steak? I heard that John Round-tree is the band. That John Roundd-Tree.

Name: brant
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Mt Laurels
Time: 2000-02-25 20:55:10
Comments: HYDA,There is a lot of chippies up on this guestbook. HYD? is gooosh but the web page is strugglin'. Idint Pork? Bye P-nits, butta and Sean (gotta get a catchy nickname)

Name: Higgins
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: south Philly
Time: 2000-02-17 15:15:17
Comments: Hold up, see, don't trip, for real, what! ? Hyd is ERRRRRRRRRRight

Name: LOU D
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-02-16 13:29:08
Comments: HYD? Great name - you owe it to me. Expecting royalties.......LOU D

Name: CORA-P
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 2000-02-16 13:29:19
Comments: YO-YO-YO. HYD? IS THE BOMB!! I'm psyched Unc P-Nit is famous. Waiting for the second CD !! See Yas, CORA-P

Name: BK
Referred by: From a Friend
From: VA
Time: 2000-02-15 19:00:49
Comments: HYD? is so talented. I can not stop listening to the CD. You need to make another. Looking forward to your tour dates in Virginia. Keep it Real.......BK

Name: genevieve cross
Referred by: From a Friend
From: willingboro
Time: 2000-02-14 03:46:05
Comments: hey you guys have no freakin' idea who the hell i am, but my cuz let my listen to your cd and i think you guys KICK ASS!!!! well buh~bye

Name: Jessica Sullivan
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Mt.Laurel
Time: 2000-02-12 03:39:05
Comments: You kick ass!

Name: Dave
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Mount Laurel
Time: 2000-02-11 02:02:25
Comments: You guys are awsome! You guys live your life in a different way haha

Name: Kate
Referred by: From a Friend
From: mt laurel silly
Time: 2000-02-10 02:37:52
Comments: hey guys, i decided to check this out cause sean told me about it and i had to see what he was talkin about. you guys are really really good. i dint get to see u yet but i will. trust me sean ill try. luv u guys. buh bye***

Name: garrett
Website: sometimesixteen
Referred by: From a Friend
From: south central mount laurel
Time: 2000-02-07 19:27:01
Comments: i saw you guys on february 4th at the vfw and i think your bassist is so hot. hopefully i can meet him someday. his really high sox were such a turn on and the way he stroked the shaft of his bass just made me soooo horny. i cant wait to see you guys again.

Name: Dina DeJacomo
Referred by: From a Friend
From: someplace far away haha
Time: 2000-02-06 21:41:53
Comments: ean-umm...i guess i should come see u play sometime.

Name: Joe Baugh a.k.a Jack Tors
Referred by: From a Friend
From: mt. laurel home of HYD
Time: 2000-02-05 07:44:41
Comments: HYD is the best!! No doubt. These guys are the real deal and can't be touched. The best band in Jersey. They my boys forever.

Name: Jaime Stewart
Referred by: AOL
From: Mt.Laurel
Time: 2000-02-05 05:04:52
Comments: HYD? Is the greatest band ever!!! I saw them perform tonight and they did absolutely awsome!! We are definately gonna see their names in lights!!! I GOT THEIR FIRST CD!! WOOHOOO!!!! You guys are awsome!!!! Keep it up!! Luv ya's!

Name: melinda pierce
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: mt. laurel
Time: 2000-02-03 01:09:25
Comments: yo guys what up...what can i say ive been there for a while and you guys keep sounding better and better.....your cd is great too....lots of ya, Patin

Name: Katie Grillo
Referred by: From a Friend
From: MTL
Time: 2000-02-02 01:36:34

Name: Sam Carman
Website: **~**SaM's WeBpAgE**~**
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Mt. Laurel
Time: 2000-02-01 21:24:45
Comments: You guys are the greatest! Keep playin'! Love yas! <3Samantha<3

Name: Grant Baker
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Virginia Beach
Time: 2000-02-01 19:30:31
Comments: Ean,THe website kicks ass and I hope you guys do good in your upcoming shows! What up Butter!Late,Gaunt

Name: crazy kov
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-02-01 19:14:08
Comments: i go to your school, you guys are the shit and i haven't even heard you yet!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: estes
Website: saves da dizzay
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: same as you assholes
Time: 2000-02-01 02:26:58
Comments: yo bizznatches, whats going on? how do i get a cd? lemme know whats up. peace peace

Name: Anika
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Mt. Laurel
Time: 2000-01-31 23:06:59
Comments: What can I say, you guys are awesome. Good luck with everything. You have a lot of people that believe in you. I love ya guys!!!!!

Name: Alicia Leece
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Mount Laurel
Time: 2000-01-30 22:17:29
Comments: Hey I only saw you guys play once, but your really good! Keep it up and good luck with the band. Luv, Alicia

Name: Krissy Pierce
Website: ~Krissy's Homepage~
Referred by: From a Friend
From: mount laurel
Time: 2000-01-29 06:07:43
Comments: Hey Guys!I wanna come to another one of your band practices and see <3Butter<3.. and ean and shawn!! So tell kerry to let me come to one again! Because their fun to go to..!Bye Byes!!! <3 ya's Kristen

Name: Eriq
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: southern county Nj
Time: 2000-01-28 18:45:26
Comments: Higgin's message is tripin, anyway I wanted to write and say that this is a cool site and what have you. Your cd sounds really good! ( It was worth waking me up from all my mid-day naps) see you guy's!!

Name: Brielle
Website: Bri
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Medford
Time: 2000-01-27 00:03:32
Comments: Hey guys! I hope this works out real well with looks good so far and good luck with the CD. Ean, let me know how everything goes with it, you are a great guy. Love Brielle

Name: Ashley Yeager
Website: Yeagity~Yeagz
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 2000-01-26 23:50:54
Comments: You're band is the absolute best! I love you guys!!!

Name: Meredith Haskell
Referred by: From a Friend
From: medford nj
Time: 2000-01-26 23:47:34
Comments: u guys this is great... good luck with ur cd!!!!! love meredith haskell

Name: Steph Caglioti
Website: All About Steffer
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Mt. Laurel
Time: 2000-01-26 02:19:20
Comments: Hey guys!! i think ur awesome. i cant wait till ur cd comes out.. me and all my girls will get it. tell me when that concert is cause we all wanna go. good luck!! love steffer

Name: Megan Ziegenfuse
Referred by: AOL
From: Mt. Laurel
Time: 2000-01-26 00:04:44
Comments: Good luck you guys ... i know you will make it big !

Name: Ricki Siegel
Website: My Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-01-25 23:56:01
Comments: Hey Guys! :c)

Name: jess
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 2000-01-25 23:36:25
Comments: you guys are definatly good. Stay that ways

Name: ALi Casey
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Mount Laurel NJ
Time: 2000-01-25 22:45:23
Comments: Hey guys nice page...Ean I am glad we are friends..stay with Maura, she deserves a good guy like you. and well then theres hi. Ha im just playen you are a nice kid too, glad we are friends..and to the other dude..Hey man I dont know you but good band! Love ALi

Name: Michele
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 2000-01-25 22:32:58
Comments: Hey you guys are great!!!!....Ean i want you hehe

Name: nick knook
Website: hyd
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 2000-01-25 22:29:03
Comments: this site is bomb keep your shit together boys

Name: matt mcilhenny
Referred by: From a Friend
From: u know
Time: 2000-01-25 22:06:40
Comments: ur the bomb and i want to see u all naked

Name: Higgins
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: MLT
Time: 2000-01-25 21:57:38
Comments: Whats up guys! Good job on the CD it sounds awsome. E-remember 46 rev? Butta-what r u goin to the f*c*in disco? Sean-"dude be up at 5:30 and we'll pick u up to go surfin aight!" Keep in touch guys, and let me know if u need anything.....Where the party at!

Name: Marc
Referred by: From a Friend
From: NJ
Time: 2000-01-25 18:02:18
Comments: Good luck to all you guys, especially Ean. You are hilarious, always making people laugh and shat. I know you are enjoying everything you are doing with the band. Keep up the good work!!! P.S. HYD?

Name: Bill Burns
Referred by: From a Friend
From: MLT baby
Time: 2000-01-25 17:50:06
Comments: nice nice

Name: Amanda
Referred by: From a Friend
From: MLT
Time: 2000-01-25 17:48:32
Comments: i wanna know what HYD? means

Name: Laura
Referred by: From a Friend
From: NJ
Time: 2000-01-25 17:45:49
Comments: hey! You guys are great!! I can't wait to get a cd!! All the songs are great!

Name: Pudge
Referred by: From a Friend
From: MLT
Time: 2000-01-25 17:39:03
Comments: Congrats on the CD, it sounds great. Best of luck in the future, cause you guys deserve it.

Name: Maura
Website: SuperLucy's Homepage
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Mt. Laurel
Time: 2000-01-25 16:15:40
Comments: HYD? is such a good band...i love their cd(especially #4)and Ean Kyler is hot. I love him! Girls, I know he's irresistible but don't get any ideas cause he's mine. Anyways, I can't wait til they start selling their cd's cuz it's awesome...and their gonna go multi platinum(haha right ean?) Well see ya

Name: kate
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 2000-01-25 16:15:36
Comments: hey boyz..the band is kickin.u r awesome...dont forget me when u become all of famous and shat...haha...maybe i can take the pics even then hehe...well best of luck to all of u!!! ya...kate : )

Name: Lauren Bianco
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Mt. Laurel
Time: 2000-01-25 02:43:01
Comments: You guys are awesome...keep kickin ass

Name: Abby Simone
Referred by: From a Friend
From: mt. laurel
Time: 2000-01-25 02:42:14
Comments: Ean, Sean, and Butter~ You guys are the best ever!!! If you ever need any dancers for Britany Spears were always here for you. You know that if you need anytihng all you gotta do is ask...i would be sure to do anything for you. I know that you guys are going to be famous when your older cause you are way to good! i love you guys forever! Abby

Name: Sarah Sarullo
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Mt. Laurel
Time: 2000-01-25 02:38:20
Comments: You guys are the best!!!

Name: Kerry
Referred by: From a Friend
From: mt laurel
Time: 2000-01-25 02:34:54
Comments: Hey guys~ You guys are awesome!!...Remember....i was one of the original groupes....see ya later

Name: SYN.......
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-01-25 02:24:38

Name: BuTTa
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: the MLT
Time: 2000-01-25 02:00:34
Comments: the page is pretty dope and the band rocks.....keep it up!!

Total: 128 guests